Invest in Shymkent
Shymkent will become a new center of attraction for investments, technologies and intellectual resources not only of our country, but also of the entire Central Asian region - Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
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Why Shymkent


The network of highways and streets in Shymkent is one of the longest in Kazakhstan, it is also worth noting that the transcontinental highway corridor "Western Europe — Western China" runs along the city of Shymkent. In addition, there is a large transport and logistics center in Shymkent that provides infrastructure for the storage, processing and consolidation of goods and their customs clearance


Shymkent has all the opportunities to saturate your free time — this is cultural, ecological, sports and entertainment tourism. Theaters, museums, stadiums, cultural and entertainment centers, recreation centers and sanatoriums of Shymkent annually attract millions of visitors


Many specialists coming from other regions and countries during the implementation of projects remain in Shymkent for permanent residence.


Shymkent is the southernmost metropolis of the country. While the north is trying on felt boots, the south is preparing for Indian summer. 300 sunny days a year is almost like in Dubai, only much cheaper.

SHYMKENT is a great place to invest

About the city

The city of Shymkent, with a population of more than a million people, one of the three largest cities of Kazakhstan with the status of republican significance, is a separate administrative-territorial unit that is not part of the surrounding region.


One of the items in the list of tourists visiting Shymkent should be an arboretum. Founded in 1979 on the site of a former city dump, the reconstructed and renovated corner of nature today is a popular place for outdoor recreation among citizens, fashionable photo shoots and lovers' walks.

tourism development

The authorities pay special attention to the development of tourism in the city, and it is understandable – there are all the prerequisites for this: 300 sunny days a year, a variety of natural and climatic zones, and a good location on the route of the Great Silk Road near major historical cities (Turkestan, Taraz, Tashkent, Samarkand, etc.), and a rich historical and cultural heritage of Shymkent. One of them, the Old Town complex – Citadel - an ancient settlement, was chosen as an anchor tourist attraction, the brand of the city.

Success stories

Ball Textiles
Bal Textile Factory
Bal Textile LLP is the first Kazakhstan factory for the production of carpets and carpet products, one of the largest carpet factories in Central Asia. The factory was founded in 2012 in Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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The company "Santo"
The SANTO company is the leader of the pharmaceutical market of Kazakhstan with a portfolio of more than 240 generic drugs in 12 pharmacotherapeutic groups for the treatment of diseases in various fields of therapy
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Asia Trafo
Asia Trafo Plant
"Asia Trafo" is the largest plant in Central Asia for the production of transformer equipment, which is part of the leading Kazakh manufacturer of electrical equipment "Alageum Electric".
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