Industrial zones

Existing investment platforms


In 2010, the industrial zone "Ontustik" with a total area of 337 hectares was created in the city of Shymkent. The total number of projects implemented in the industrial zone "Ontustik" is 93 projects with a total cost of 89.2 billion tenge, with the creation of more than 5,000 jobs.

Currently, 72 investment projects worth 62 billion tenge have been implemented and more than 4,800 new jobs have been created.

In 2021, it is planned to launch 6 investment projects with a total cost of 24.4 billion tenge, with the creation of 306 jobs.

Today, the industrial zone "Ontustik" is filled by 100%.

  • 94
  • Total number of projects


In 2016, the industrial zone "Tassay" with a total area of 89 hectares was created in the city of Shymkent. The total number of projects implemented in the industrial zone "Tassay" is 35 investment projects with a total value of 45.5 billion tenge, with the creation of more than 2,300 jobs.

Currently, 17 investment projects worth 27 billion tenge have been implemented and more than 1,000 new jobs have been created.

In 2021, it is planned to launch 3 investment projects with a total cost of 1.2 billion tenge, with the creation of 125 jobs.

To date, the industrial zone "Tassay" is 100% full.

  • 42
  • Total number of projects


In order to become a Eurasian transport and logistics hub in the city of Shymkent, a project is being implemented to create a trade and logistics zone (hereinafter-TLC), on the territory of which 6 investment projects are being implemented for a total of 32.9 billion tenge.

A Customs Clearance Center has been opened on the territory of the trade and logistics center in order to ensure the efficiency of business activities.

  • 18
  • Total number of projects


The implementation of investment projects in the territory of the Zhuldyz industrial zone is planned in the period from 2021 to 2022, after the completion of infrastructure construction and the formation of a list of potential participants in the industrial zone.

  • 41
  • Total number of projects

IZ «Bozaryq»

In 2022, a new industrial zone "Bozaryk" with a total area of 132 hectares was created in the city of Shymkent.

The total number of new projects is 6 projects, the volume of investments is 23.5 billion tenge, with the creation of more than 694 jobs.

  • 9
  • Total number of projects



1. It is necessary to obtain a list of documents from the Management Company of the industrial zones of the city of Shymkent.

2. Provide the Management Company with the documents (according to the list).

3. The management company reviews the documents. (within 3 (three) business days).

4. The management company sends the documents (according to the list) to the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of the city of Shymkent (within 1 (one) working day).


5. The Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of the city of Shymkent, considers the documents (according to the list within 5 (five) working days).

6. The investor will present the investment project at the Meeting of the Regional Coordinating Council "Business Shymkent".


7. После получения протокола (одобрения) регионально-координационного совета, АО "СПК "Shymkent" приступает к оформлению земельного участка.

7. The participant, after a positive decision of the Regional Coordinating Council "Business Shymkent", signs an agreement with the Management Company of the industrial zones of the city of Shymkent on the implementation of activities as a participant from (within 10 (ten) working days).

8. The participant signs a contract of secondary land use (sublease) with the Management Company of the industrial zones of the city of Shymkent, land plots that are in state ownership on the territory of the city (after registration of the land plot).

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